welcome to

The Forum is a private group for thinkers, makers, entrepreneurs, professionals, & real people of all walks of life to have real conversations, but most importantly learn new ideas, concepts, and skills to improve their personal and professional lives.


The most important thing in life is your mindset. Whether you believe you can, or you can’t, you’re right. We’ll discuss mindset, philosophy, as well as new skills to stretch and improve the value of your most valuable asset, your mind.


Money makes the world go ‘round. The Forum will be a network of people discussing ideas and strategies to begin making money or increase their revenue generation.


Marketing is what I do. I could do it in my sleep. It’s the cornerstone of every business or any entity that wants to matter. Join and learn some of the best contemporary and timeless marketing strategies.


The race isn’t for the quick, but the sure. This ties back to mindset. A journey of a million miles begins with 1 step. Pyramids are built one brick at a time. The Forum is where you’ll acquire the tools to build your monument.

Who I Am

If you’re on this page, introducing myself isn’t necessary, but telling you about myself is. I’ve been branding, marketing, and social media-hacking since I was 15. More than half my life. I’ve worked with companies like Red Bull, HBO, AFROPUNK, Essence Fest, and been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, and more. I didn’t build my brand, learn guerilla and internet marketing, and hack-social media by taking courses and watching YouTube videos. YouTube didn’t even exist. While courses and YouTube are awesome, I built my brand by being myself and building communities on various platforms. I created The Forum as a new, private community to not only connect with cool people, but share my skills, insights, and network with those who’ll value and appreciate it.

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Is it free? No. Entry into The Forum is via paid membership only. Your 30-day subscription is $9.99 and can be renewed monthly.

That’s $2.49 a week. The price will most definitely be going up (duh), but it’ll be this price for the first 1-500 members.


I wouldn’t have created something like this and charge for it if it wasn’t valuable, so here’s the deal…

We’ll do weekly Q+A’s where you can ask me and a special guest questions on how to get started or improve in certain areas, learn new skills, create new income streams, and just be part of a community of smart people.

What previous clients say

Just had the BEST consultation with Stef! I got some very good ideas and strategies that cleared up a lot for me."

Ebony K.

Just had a branding consultation with Stef and honestly, 2019 is going to be life-changing. Stay Tuned. Stef is really dope y'all. He dropped so many gems on a young'n trying to make it

Jade J.